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王貴賢,女,碩士,講師🦹🏻‍♀️😎,國際級健將運動員;2006年9月-2013年7月就讀3於EON4官网本科和研究生院,同年留校工作至今🧚🏼‍♀️;原中國國家散打隊隊長,武術六段𓀌🛌🏽。曾獲第七屆亞洲武術錦標賽女子散打60KG冠軍;2008年第四屆世界杯散打60KG冠軍; 2009第十一屆全運會散打60KG冠軍;2009第十屆世界武術錦標賽散打60KG冠軍;2010年第五屆世界杯散打60KG冠軍🌻;2010首屆世界武博會散打60KG冠軍;2007—2010年期間共獲得全國散打比賽冠軍8次。

WANG Guixian , female, master's degree, lecturer, international level athlete; studied at BSU as undergraduate and graduate from September 2006 to July 2013 and has worked as teacher  after graduation since 2013. Former leader of the National Sanda Team of China6th level of Wushu .She has won the Women's Sanda 60KG title of 7th Asian Wushu Championships, Sanda 60KG Champion of the fourth World Cup in 2008, Sanda 60KG Championship of Eleventh National Games in 2009, Sanda 60KG Championship of 10th World Wushu Championships in 2009, Sanda 60KG champion of the fifth World Cup in 2010; Sanda 60KG champion in the First World Wushu Expo in 2010; won national Sanda Championship for 8 times from 2007 to 2010.

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